Corathon Insecticide Ear Tags - 20 Count
Slate-colored Corathon® insecticide cattle ear tags with FyberTek® can be used for both beef cattle and non-lactating dairy cattle.
■ Contains 50% organophosphate insecticide, 25% more active ingredient than the Co-Ral Plus® Insecticide Cattle Ear Tag
■ Controls horn flies, face flies, Gulf Coast ticks and spinose ear ticks for up to five months
■ Controls pyrethroid-resistant and chlorinated hydrocarbon-resistant horn flies
■ Controls face flies, the mechanical vector of Moraxella bovis, the bacteria that causes pinkeye in cattle
■ Ideal in rotation with ear tags using pyrethroid chemistry
■ Utilizes the Allflex® Universal Total Tagger
■ Effective for up to five months