CL Cow Replacer 250 gram
Colostrum Supplement for New Born Calves
For a colostrum Supplement:
Mix 250 grams of CL-Cow Replacer with 1 quart or liter of water and feed before calf is 6 hours old. (calf remains on cow.)
For a Drench:
Mix 250 grams of CL-Cow Replacer with 1 pint of water and drench before calf is 6 hours old. (calf remains on cow.)
For a colostrum replacement:
Mix 250 grams of CL-Cow Replacer with 2 quarts or liters of water and feed as soon after birth as possible. Repeat in 2 and 4 hours. (orphan calves) Amount of water can be adjusted to meet calves needs.