Vira Shield 6 + VL5 HB Somnus
Available in 10 and 50 doses
Killed virus and bacterin for use in healthy breeding cattle as an aid in the prevention of diseases caused by IBR, PI3, BRSV, cytopathic and noncytopathic BVD Type 1, noncytopathic BVD Type 2, Vibrio, Haemophilus somnus and the 5 most common strains of Lepto, including the U.S. strain of L. hardjo-bovis. For use in all classes of cattle, even pregnant cows and calves nursing pregnant cows. Vaccinate dairy cows during the dry off period. Features Xtend SP adjuvant.
Dosage: 5 ml IM 2-4 weeks prior to breeding, revaccinate with Vira Shield 6 + L5 HB Somnus in 4-5 weeks. Revaccinate annually. Milk reduction and transient depression may be observed in lactating dairy cows for 3-6 days following vaccination. 60 day slaughter withdrawal.